
Drinking Vegetable Juice - The Pros & Cons

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drinking vegetable juice
Drinking Vegetable Juice Benefits Health
Making fresh vegetable juice recipes at home is a health practice that is gaining more traction as more and more people are turning to a healthier life style. As amazingly healthy as vegetable juicing is there is always pros and cons to all things, so let's look more closely.


  1. Detoxification: Vegetable juices are one of the best detox drinks that exist. Vegetables are loaded with all sorts of antioxidants that helps to cleanse our cells of toxic materials like pesticides, toxic heavy metals, drug residues, preservatives and a plethora of other harmful chemicals. Cruciferae vegetables like broccoli, kale and cabbage are especially good for this as they contain antioxidants called sulforaphane and indoles, both of which have been shown to stimulate the liver to dramatically increase its production of natural detoxification chemicals.

  2. Alkalinity: Vegetable juice recipes are very alkaline in nature, in fact they are one of the most alkaline of all drinks, and much more so than fruit drinks. Promoting alkalinity in the body and blood, vegetables juice helps to protect us from an array of health disorders, such as heart burn, acid reflux, gout and ulcers, that are shown to be connected in some way to excess acidity in the body. Since diseases, like cancer, grow more freely in acidic environments, vegetable juices (as is eating lots of vegetables) helps to reduce are risk of developing such diseases.


  1. Lack of Fiber: While vegetable juicing extracts more antioxidants and vitamins from vegetable than we would otherwise digest if we ate them, we do lose most of the fiber content. As we know, fiber is an important nutrient for bowel health, so we must make sure we get plenty of it in our diet by eating whole-grains, legumes and whole fruits and vegetables.

  2. Cost: We need to use a lot of vegetables to make juice, so naturally we have to spend more on produce. On average, you would need to juice about a pound of vegetables to make a single serving of juice. Of course, this gives us vast amounts of nutrition, but we do have to pay extra for it!

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